Business Leaders,
We’ll Lower Your Costs

Stellar health benefits help leading organizations attract and retain top talent. Secure your competitive advantage by leveraging the individual healthcare insurance market with SureCo’s value-driven ICHRA Solution.


Average premium cost savings
by SureCo clients in 2021-2023

Employee Health Insurance
at Lower Costs

Drive high-performing HR teams by delivering them access to our ICHRA Administration Solution

5,000+ fully insured health insurance plans optimize employee performance and engagement

Powerful enrollment platform frees up your HR team to focus on revenue-driving activities

Predictable health premium pricing driven by the healthcare individual market, not claims, reduces P&L surprises

How an ICHRA Benefits You and Your Employees

SureCo’s ICHRA health insurance advantage gives employers and employees more choice and price control over their healthcare benefit options, along with fully managed migration and open enrollment.

The Power of Choice

Let employees select the right health insurance plan for their specific needs and budget.

Local Coverage

Ensure remote employees have access to quality coverage in their area.

Cost Control

You set the contribution amount. We deduct it tax-free from payroll.

Year-Round Support

Our white-glove customer service team offers education, plan assistance, and care navigation before, during, and after open enrollment.

Gold Support in ICHRA Customer Support

SureCo’s innovative benefits platform is a game-changer for growing organizations looking to compete for great talent by offering best-in-class health benefits.


Eric Ly

CEO of KarmaCheck and LinkedIn Co-Founder

ICHRA Success stories

Top 10 ICHRA Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction


Saved on annual premiums

Anuvu, a multi-national tech firm, was facing a 20% increase in premiums for all employees, driven by high claims.​ By switching to an ICHRA with SureCo Anuvu was able to save $1M on annual premiums.

Anuvu, a multi-national tech firm, was facing a 20% increase in premiums for all employees, driven by high claims.​ By switching to an ICHRA with SureCo Anuvu was able to save $1M on annual premiums. Those savings were reinvested back into their employees by increasing in 401(k) contributions by 25% .


Saved on yearly premiums

KR Management, a senior living community administrator with 1,850 employees, saved 35% on its yearly healthcare premiums by switching to SureCo from traditional group insurance.

SureCo’s ICHRA Solution provided a creative alternative to the companies second annual 25% renewal rate increase. Read more about how we onboarded 300 employees to the platform in 21 days and worked with the team to ensure payroll deductions could be done seamlessly via Paycom.

$1.4M Saved in Premiums

Switching to ICHRA with SureCo helped RFK Community Alliance reduce health coverage costs and boost employee satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ICHRA?

An Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) is a type of employer-sponsored health benefit arrangement that allows employers to reimburse their employees for qualified medical expenses, including individual health insurance premiums. Unlike traditional group health insurance plans, ICHRA allows employers to define a budget for each employee, which the employee can use to purchase individual health insurance coverage of their choice. ICHRAs provide employees with flexibility and portability, as they can keep their coverage even if they change jobs. 

Employers set up the ICHRA, determine the amount of contribution, and establish the eligibility criteria. The contribution amount can vary based on factors like age, family size, and geographic location. ICHRAs are available to employers of all sizes. By offering an ICHRA, employers can provide a health benefit to their employees while controlling costs and customizing the benefit to individual needs. 

Find out more about Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements in SureCo's ICHRA 101 Guide.


How is an ICHRA with SureCo different from traditional group health insurance?

Unlike traditional group health insurance plans, an ICHRA allows employers to define a budget for each employee, which the employee can use to purchase individual health insurance coverage of their choice. ICHRAs provide employees with flexibility and portability, as they can keep their coverage even if they change jobs. 

Employers set up the ICHRA, determine the amount of contribution, and establish the eligibility criteria. The contribution amount can vary based on factors like age, family size, and geographic location. ICHRAs are available to employers of all sizes. By offering an ICHRA, employers can provide a health benefit to their employees while controlling costs and customizing the benefit to individual needs. 

How hard is it to implement an ICHRA with SureCo?

SureCo's advanced technology makes it easy to enroll hundreds of employees in individual plans in less time than it would take to enroll them in traditional group plans. Our Enrollment Platform simplifies the selection process, so every employee can compare the plans that are best for them, according to their individual needs. Our dedicated white-glove customer service team is there every step of the way, from implementation and open enrollment to ongoing support throughout the year. 

Our platform also integrates with 150 of the top HRIS and payroll systems, which makes it simple to add to your existing tech stack. 

How does SureCo’s Enrollment Platform control costs?

Through SureCo’s Enrollment Platform, employers save money by funding coverage through our pre-tax payroll integration.

ICHRAs provide employers with more predictable prices because they take away the claims risk and unexpected renewal rate hikes that come with traditional group plans. So one employee with a major medical issue no longer had the potential to cause the insurance carrier to label an entire pool of employees as a high-risk group, driving up renewal rates. Instead, ICHRAs disperse the risk.

By leveraging the individual health insurance market, SureCo has been able to help mid-market and large employers save an average of 22% on their monthly premiums while giving employees the power to choose any plan that best fits their needs. 

Try our Savings Calculator to estimate how much your business could save on premiums with SureCo.

Will SureCo’s Enrollment Platform ensure my company stays compliant?

Yes. All of the 5,000+ plans available through SureCo's Enrollment Platform are fully insured and ACA-compliant.

We work with applicable large employers (ALEs) to make sure they contribute enough to each individual employee’s premium to satisfy the affordability component of the ACA requirement.

Plus, SureCo provides all the necessary information to make compliance filing simple.

Learn more about how SureCo helps companies avoid ACA compliance penalties.

View All FAQs

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