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Effective Ways HR Can Support Women in the Workplace

Written by Ariel Thorne | August 16, 2022

In today's world, many organizations are working hard to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. One of the key areas of focus for organizations is supporting women in the workplace. Human Resources (HR) plays an essential role in ensuring that women receive the necessary support and resources to thrive in the workplace.


Here are some effective ways HR can support women in the workplace. 

Understand and Eliminate Biases 

Gender bias represents the favoritism of one gender over the other. Although typically unconscious, it’s toxic and reduces an individual to stereotypes and inaccurate characteristics. When recruiting for new hires, encourage your company to use a resource management system that incorporates a blind candidate view so your hiring managers can make their first cut without accessing identifying information. Also, opening the door for negotiating can level the playing field for women. It's more than likely that women are less likely to negotiate than men are, which creates unfair obstacles. Also, stray away from requiring candidates to provide salary history; it's likely that women are more likely to come into a role with lower compensation expectations than their male counterparts, which can subconsciously affect the entire hiring process. 

Ensure Equal Pay and Opportunities

The gender pay gap continues to be a significant issue in many organizations. HR can play a vital role in ensuring that women receive equal pay and opportunities for growth and development within the organization. Regular salary reviews and promotions based on merit can help create a fair and equal workplace. 

Ensure Women Are Applying for Your Roles 

Research shows that women feel they need to meet 100% of the criteria to apply for a job, while men usually apply after meeting about 60%. LinkedIn behavioral data backs this up — women tend to screen themselves out of the conversation and end up applying to 20% fewer jobs than men. It's essential to take a look at your employee's gender ratio. Does the gender ratio seem uneven? 


Offer Mentorship and Coaching 

Women often lack role models in leadership positions. HR can provide mentorship and coaching programs to help women advance their careers and gain valuable insights from experienced leaders. These programs can help women build confidence and develop their leadership skills. 

Educate Your People on Gender Equality  

As a society, we have come a long way in terms of gender equality in recent years. However, there is still much progress to be made, especially in the workplace. A lack of education has undoubtedly been one of the obstacles hindering positive change. One way to help close the gender gap is to educate your employees on the importance of gender equality by offering training or courses. When people are informed about the issue, they are more likely to see the value of equal opportunities for all. Additionally, education can help to dispel harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about gender roles in the workplace. Raising awareness about the issue can encourage a work environment supporting team equality. 

Encourage Work-life Balance

HR can promote work-life balance by encouraging employees to take breaks, vacations, and mental health days. This can help women maintain their physical and mental health and reduce burnout. HR can also extend support to women starting a family by offering maternity and parental leave. This can help women balance their personal and professional responsibilities and ensure job security when they return to work. 


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